蓝可儿是一名来自温哥华的21岁加拿大游客,尸体最近在洛杉矶塞西尔酒店(Cecil Hotel)屋顶的储水箱中被发现。 尸体在那里呆了长达19天。 上面的视频显示了蓝可儿在酒店的电梯中。 接下来是该视频的肢体语言分析。 摘要显示在末尾。
SUMMARY: Ms. Elisa Lam is playing a game of hide and seek (or something similar) in this video. And although at times she displays some anxiety, there is no indication of fear. There is definitely an element of play present here. It is of course also possible that narcotics are influencing her behavior. Of particular importance is she is putting herself on sexual display. While what is seen here may have no connection with her demise – if the events in this video occurred just before her disappearance, it strongly suggests that the person to whom she is attracted may have knowledge of, contributed to, or be responsible for her death.